Saturday, 25 June 2011

In an effort to return......

In an effort to return home at a decent hour to let the babysitter leave, I left my event 1/2 hour before the end.  The evening had begun with me following a Lamborghini along a road with speed bumps.  The man driving it looked like a young boy with his dad's toy and he also didn't seem to know how to handle it.  Following him was excruciating.  The toy was precious.
To say that leaving 1/2 an early was a wasted half an hour is an understatement.  I sat in traffic trying to turn onto Exhibition Road, which had become one-way due to road works.   Then I came face-to-face with 2 cars going down it the wrong way.  The first was a very rude man in a very flash and expensive car, while the second was an apologetic woman in a small people carrier.  Finally I crawled my way like the Serpentine through Hyde Park.  So many soggy people slowly wending their way home but meandering all over the place.  Then onto the Edgware Road and all I can say is, please give me patience.  This had me dodging the police cars that were driving towards me on my side of the road.  Made it to Maida Vale in one piece and up into St. John's Wood where I got tackled by a rather large Audi.  Hampstead Lane was another joke with people still coming out of the Kenwood Concerts.  Finally, the home stretch up to the northern regions of London was clear.  Please let there be no more silly people driving silly cars tonight.  
I normally love the drive home late at night.  The streets are more peaceful and you can zip happily through the neighbour hoods.  Hopefully next time the roads will be kinder to me.

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